
How To Drive Traffic To Blog

Are you frustrated aside low blog traffic? Don't worry– traffic isn't rocket scientific discipline, and there's no need to reinvent the wheel. In this conduct, we'll divvy up 25 proven strategies (with 7 case studies) to increase your blog's traffic by 1064%.

We'll dive into the blog traffic strategies and case studies in retributive a atomlike, but before we do, let's briefly cover the basics of traffic generation…

Once you understand these two-needled truths, you will nobelium longer be intimidated by huge blogs with tons of traffic. Alternatively, you'll be armed with the have intercourse-how to grab that dealings for yourself.

(Yes, even if you are just a small inauguration operating room solo entrepreneur.)

The Only 2 Types of Web log Traffic

First off, thither are only 2 types of traffic: organic and paid.

Organic traffic is traffic that you get naturally without having to "force" IT.

The biggest source of organic traffic is search traffic: the dealings you acquire when a mortal types a question or a keyword into Google, your blog post comes up in the results, and they come home connected it.

All the same, healthful traffic can also include referral dealings (when someone clicks on a data link to your blog from some other site), or direct traffic (when someone types your URL directly into their browser or clicks on a relate in an email).

Paid traffic is dealings that you "force" with advertisements.

One of our favorite types of advertizing is Facebook ad. But paid dealings give notice also let in Google AdWords, banner ads, Twitter ads, and more than.

Because thither are these two types of traffic, you never genuinely have a traffic "problem".

That is, you can always pay for traffic whenever you need it, especially primitively.

However, essential traffic is an important part of any long-term content marketing scheme, so don't neglect it (you'll see why later in this article).

The Only 2 Things You Need to Rank #1 in Google

Paid traffic is obviously the surefire elbow room to get traffic no matter what. Just how simple is it to undergo organic traffic?

Integrated look for traffic isn't intimately arsenic complicated as you may think.

To sire outrank your competitors on pageboy 1 of Google, all you need to make out is show Google 2 things:

  1. That your content is the best.
  2. That your content is the most relevant.

It's as simple every bit that.

To show that your content is the best, form your content the best! Outshine your competitors with better articles, and prove that your content is the best aside asking other blogs to part it.

To show that your content is the most relevant, optimize your posts for relevant keywords.

(We'll talk about for each one of these two components within the case studies below.)

OK, now you know the 2 types of traffic and the 2 things you need to get organic traffic. Indeed how do you integrate these diverse traffic sources to increase your web log dealings, some now and for years to come?

Let's tone at 7 case studies, starting with the way we drive traffic right here at OptinMonster…

Related Content: 13 Best Web log Sites In 2019: Which Is Right For You?

Case Branch of knowledg #1: How We Grew OptinMonster Blog to 600k+ Monthly Visits

The blog traffic strategy we are about to share with you is simple. But while simple, most bloggers don't think to grow their traffic this means.

This 5-step scheme has grown the OptinMonster blog very quickly.


Ready to hear how we did it? Here's our exact, 5-step web log traffic sue…

1. Stick to pillar articles

In our writing, we focus on penning one pillar article that covers everything, rather than writing a bunch of different blog posts every related to the homophonic theme. (Pillar articles are the highest quality posts that drive the majority of our traffic.)

For example, cardinal of our mainstay articles at OptinMonster is 30 Content Promote Ideas to Grow Your Email Heel. This Wiley Post is currently ranking #1 in Google for "content upgrade ideas"…


#2 for "content upgrade examples"…


and #4 for "content ascent"…


As you can see this post ranks well for several searches correlate content upgrades because we focused along creating the best possible clause on the topic, so users can find everything at formerly rather than creating eightfold articles on content upgrades making it harder for users to find all the selective information they need.

2. Refresh past content

Because our pillar articles are useful to readers and attract a great deal of traffic, we make trusted to regularly update them.

We ADD more entropy to our content to come through major and more in question.

Google likes articles that are fresh and inexperienced. Merely rather than writing a brand new post, we simply take that old pillar article and freshen it up which makes it easy for users to always find the most helpful content.

In point of fact, we did this with our content promote post just last week.


Here's how we like to refresh old cognitive content:

  • Amend the content
  • Add more content
  • ADHD more images/screenshots
  • Remove any out-dated selective information
  • Attention deficit disorder more up-to-date information
  • MBD LSI keywords– these are keywords that are related to our of import keyword

To find LSI keywords to add to your Wiley Post, simply character your main keyword into Google, and then scroll down to the bottom of the page…


Whol of these related searches are LSI keywords that you can weave into your post.

Another great joyride you can expend to find LSI keywords is LSI Graph. Just plug in your main keyword, and IT will generate a list of relevant keywords.


Once we've written a refreshed version of the older blog post, we'll manually update the old post and move the publish date forward. This direction, we don't lose our mixer share counts–and the associated momentum–from the older version.

3. Crosslink pillar message

Google has a practically easier clock time indexing your content, and understanding what content is the nearly epoch-making when you crosslink your posts.

Crosslinking plainly substance that your new blog posts include golf links to experienced web log posts. We put a big focus on adding as more links to our column content As possible, thusly it has an easier time ranking in the search engines.

Advantageous, unequal backlinks, crosslinking is entirely within your control. It's the lowest hanging fruit.


Our co-founder, Syed Balkhi, makes information technology a regular "spunky" to add 10 crosslinks each and daily, and I've started to do the same. (He always stops at 10 though, because this exercise should feel fun, not like a chore.)

OK, now that you rich person your crosslinks, it's time to move on to backlinks…

4. Generate backlinks

Backlinks (links on other websites pointing to your website) are a very important SEO ranking factor in Google. That's because Google looks at how many backlinks you take over (you said it authorized those backlinks are) when determinant the importance of your article.

Backlinks are harder to get than crosslinks (obviously), just they are absolute atomic number 79 for your search rankings.

Fortunately, Syed has a simple process for link building. When helium shared this insight with BuzzSumo, they gained terminated 200 organic backlinks with this strategy!

Here's how information technology works:

First, chase away your brand mentions. You can set out up an alert with Google (in that location's a teacher in this put up), or you can consumption BuzzSumo to monitor all mentions of your marque. The ones that have no link will be highlighted.


Close, email the authors of the posts and give thanks them for the mention. Then ask them if they wouldn't mind linking to your site.

In Syed's feel, well-nig authors say "yes"… after all, they were the ones who mentioned United States in the best put off! Turns unfashionable, many people will honorable mention you without thinking to include a link, and they are usually happy to oblige.

5. Boost new posts

As you can ensure, our dealings strategy hitherto has been primarily focused on organic, search traffic.

The smasher of organic traffic is that it virtually never dies. Assign in the work today, and your posts volition play you gobs of traffic for a longish time to come. (Provided, of course, that they are mellow-quality and difficult to outrank. If non, go back to Step #2!)

But then, when you barricade paying for ads, the traffic Michigan.

That's wherefore we love organic dealings. But– we leverage prepaid dealings As well. Paid traffic is excellent for boosting new contentedness. When you force traffic to your new web log posts in a short span of meter, it creates momentum. Citizenry start to share the post on social media, which helps Google to see that your new place is important.

So piece we don't rely on paid advertising, we do use it to our advantage.

Don't forget direct traffic from your email list.

Aside from paid ads, don't blank out the traffic reservoir that you (hopefully) already have– your email list!

Patc driving traffic to your blog posts via your email list North Korean won't directly result in new leads, it's another good way of life to cost increase dealings to your new content and build up impulse.

Besides, your blog content is really important for nurturing your leads and turning them into customers. Forgetting to email your list on a regular base with rested, new content is like forgetting to piddle your plant– IT will die.

(Note: If you haven't started building an email list yet, you need to read our standard guide to email marketing.)

Sooner State, now that you know our 5-gradation blog traffic process, we'd like to apportion 6 more case studies with you from different businesses who have also successfully enhanced their blog traffic.

These approaches highlight important elements that you'll ask for any cognitive content selling strategy, so add these tips to your web log traffic arsenal when following the 5 stairs outlined above.

Case Examine #2: How SnackNation Generated 41,992 Pageviews Using the Skyscraper Proficiency

Emil Shour, who runs the content marketing and SEO at SnackNation, put-upon this technique to generate 41,992 pageviews, a #1 ranking and $100K in monthly continual receipts. Brian Dean calls this the "skyscraper proficiency".



Here's what he did…

6. Feel content that is already ranking for your keyword

Front, Emil did whatever keyword research with Google's keyword planner tool.

He determined that the query "health platform ideas" is a keyword that his customers search for every day, and it also has a soaring suggested bid.


This is measurable because it agency a lot of people are running AdWords on this keyword, which way that at that place is strong commercial aim rear end this keyword. (In else words, people inquisitory for "health program ideas" are usually look to make a purchase.)

Next, Emil looked for satisfied that was already ranking for that keyword.

He found that most of the results connected page 1 were lists of different wellness political platform ideas, but they weren't very elaborate, they lacked sensory system content, and they were quite tedious. Helium could do healthier.

So helium did…

7. Make something even better

Instantly that Emil knew what keyword he wanted to target, and he knew the strengths and weaknesses of his competition for that keyword, he set forth to make something better.

First, he wrote a heel post, but he made sure that his post registered more wellness program ideas than any new guide. Patc the other posts enclosed 5-100 ideas, Emil's post included 120.

Then, helium made this long listicle even better by ripping the ideas up into 7 diverse sections. This made it easier for readers to jump to a finical section.


Next, Emil added eye-catching images and helpful videos to build his content more visually appealing.


Finally, he made his copy casual, fun and interesting.


Now that Emil's epic post was live, IT was time to promote.

8. Reach out to the right people

First, Emil establish blogs that wrote about employee health and sent them a message asking if they had whatsoever upcoming roundups in the works because He has some great original content that would be a great tantrum for their site.


These emails LED to approximately quality, contextual backlinks.


He also searched for bloggers that wrote about employee health, hominian resources and other related topics, and found high-quality pieces of mental object like this unrivaled.


He emailed the source, offering his clause as a great addition to an future blog post on the theme.

This resulted in another great backlink, in the form of a roundup send.


Then, Emil emailed the brands that he mentioned in the berth, summation any experts World Health Organization contributed to the post, and those populate shared the Wiley Post on social media.

Finally, immediately that he had some momentum sledding from altogether the sociable shares, Emil did some research to see WHO linked to the big top 50 results for his keyword.

He used Ahrefs Site Explorer to line up the backlinks for all of the top 50 articles.


Then, he emailed each of those people to let them know roughly his brand new-sprung, superior article.

Hither's an model of an email he sent.


These emails resulted in backlinks which pushed Emil's guide to #1 in the search results, above all his competitors!


However, Emil didn't blockage there.

Remember, a #1 ranking in Google is great and all, only IT won't translate into revenue for your business concern unless you make a satisfying lead generation scheme.

So, Emil took full advantage of his #1 ranking by creating a pleased upgrade exploitation OptinMonster.

His easygoing upgrade was simply a PDF version of the web log post. He very smartly victimised a 2-step optin (using MonsterLinks), because content upgrades + 2-step optins are established to boost conversions by as some American Samoa 785%.

His yell to action privileged the web log post looked like this:


And when you chink on the MonsterLink, this optin form pops up:


Want a similar 2-step optin for your blog? Start using OptinMonster to convert website visitors into subscribers and customers.

Aside adding the content elevate, SnackNation went from 20 original subscribers per workweek to 59 per week– that's a 195% increment in new leads, which in turn resulted in $100K in monthly recurring revenue.

Headstone takeaway: information technology pays to rank in Google, and past leverage that senior with satisfied upgrades.

Case Study #3: How Ace Blogger Grew Search Traffic 342.35% with Node Blogging

Therein next case study, we'll look at someone who victimised 31 guest posts to increment their lookup engine traffic by 342%…

9. Guest web log for quality backlinks

Using a guest blogging campaign for web log dealings generation can be a good strategy, but it's of the essence to move into IT with clear goals in mind.

When Bamidele Onibalusi went into his guest blogging campaign, he had the following goals:

  1. Publish 31 guest posts along authority blogs in the industry
  2. Gain natural, quality backlinks from those blogs
  3. Spend no yearner than 1 week written material and submitting the posts

IT is important to note that Bamidele didn't anticipate to get much of any traffic directly from these guest posts. His main goal was to get more backlinks and so that his own posts would right-down in Google. And then, he hoped to drive semipermanent lookup locomotive engine traffic Eastern Samoa a result.

Now, I know what you Crataegus laevigata be thinking… Didn't Matt Cutts say that you shouldn't guest blog as a way to pull in links?

Well, yes he did, but Matt was talk or so spammers– people who write low-quality guest posts for the lonesome purpose of acquiring easy backlinks. Indeed unless you are spammer, you don't require to worry. Sporty pen lineament posts, or hire a good ghostwriter to write upper-class posts for you.

That being said, let's have a look at Bamidele's results. As you can see from the screenshot below, his weekly organic dealings for a yr earlier the Edgar Albert Guest blogging campaign ne'er quite reached 3,000 visits.


Nevertheless, a twelvemonth after the campaign, the organic traffic had grown to somewhere around 2,500-5,000 weekly visits.


Bamidele reports that the site averaged a aggregate of 139 research engine visitors a day one twelvemonth ahead the campaign, and an average of 477 explore locomotive visitors a day united class after the effort. He also reports that no past SEO tactics were exploited, just this one Edgar Guest blogging campaign alone.

So that's a 342% increase in search locomotive engine traffic from taking one week to write 31 guest posts.

Now, you may not have the time to take up an entire workweek just to write guest posts. If you do, great. If not, hire someone to do IT for you and reap the benefits for a long time to come.

Key takeaway: when guest blogging, increase your explore locomotive engine traffic by writing quality content for authority blogs in your niche.

Event Study #4: How Canva Increased Blog Traffic 226% by Focusing on the People

While keeping search engines in mind, it forever pays to focus along people first. If you do, Google will reward you.

Well, that's on the nose what Canva did in that next guinea pig study…


10. Study the competition

In an effort to increase their web log dealings, Canva knew that they needed to improve the quality of their content. But first, they needed to discover what the best substance on their subject actually looked comparable.

So, they affected their competition. Victimization BuzzSumo to notic the most fashionable posts in their industry, they found the most popular topics and the eccentric of capacity that worked the best.

Namely, in the design blank, they found that there is more demand for free templates, icons, and people of color-combinations than for information on how to produce them. They as wel ground that the best happy ranged between 2,000 and 2,500 words, and that case studies performed well.


This information was important because before they were focused on writing tutorials, which wasn't what the marketplace really wanted.

11. Give your readers what they really want

Incoming up, Canva surveyed their ain readers to find exterior what they loved to read all but.

Rather than a traditional survey, they exploited their welcome netmail to ask fres subscribers about their biggest challenge.

A slew of people responded, and the answers helped them to take a leak their content genuinely helpful.

12. Conform your headlines

When information technology came to in reality creating the content, Canva followed best practices to write the highest-converting headlines possible.

However, sometimes they yet missed the mark.

For instance, one post they wrote was originally entitled, "Why Steve Jobs Took Long Walks and Wherefore You Should Too". This didn't perform very considerably.

So, they decided to change the newspaper headline and repost the article. The new headline, "Wherefore Everyone From Beethoven, Goethe, Charles Dickens, Darwin To Steve Jobs Took Long Walks and Wherefore You Should Too", did much better… in fact, information technology's received more than 70,000 shares since the headline change!

13. Pretend your posts definitive

Canva made another research-LED decision to usance more examples and case studies in their articles.

For them, this meant a shift away from tutorial based articles, and a greater emphasis on how a professional fashion designer would implement a particular vane purpose principle.

This dislodge demonstrated their credibility and self-confidence in the design space. You can do the same, no matter what diligence you are in. Simply make your posts definitive by including concrete examples and case studies (like what we'atomic number 75 doing in this article).

14. Add more images and multimedia

Finally, Canva realized that visual satisfied gets shared more. In fact, articles with images produce 94% much views than those without.

Canva already knew that images were important. Simply while studying their rival's most popular content, they were surprised to see just now how many images they included. So, they decided to systematically increase the number of images in their posts to see the effect.

Sure plenty, the more images they in use, the more their traffic increased!

They ran this entire content experiment for 60 days, and the end event was a 226% increase in dealings.


A an added incentive, their dealings from sociable also increased by nearly 500%, flush though they'd nearly ignored their social media growth strategy during that fourth dimension!

Key takeaway: make strategical changes to your complacent marketing strategy based on what people really deficiency, not what you think they want.

Case Study #5: How AdEspresso Increased Organic Traffic 203.5% Using Keyword Optimisation

In this next case read, you'll see how AdEspresso keyword-optimized their blog posts, resulting in a 203.5% increase in constitutional blog traffic…


15. Keyword research

When AdEspresso started impermanent to drive more organic dealings, they started with keyword research.

They used Moz, but you can easily find relevant keyword ideas using Google's free keyword planner.

Because AdEspresso's topic is Facebook advertising–which is a favourite topic–the initial keyword list was pretty gigantic. To narrow it downcast, they went through and highlighted in green the keywords that they thought could well turn into blog post topics. They too highlighted in yellow the keywords that they thought would be sound for backlink anchor text.


16. Include keywords in post URL

Next, the AdEspresso team only went down the list and started turning keyword ideas into blog post topics.

For example, indefinite of their keywords was "facebook ads happening mobile". Since AdEspresso helps to create and analyze transportable Facebook A.D. campaigns, they came up with a blog post titled, "5 Tips for Rocking Facebook Ads on Mobile Devices".

For SEO purposes, they made certain to include the keyword in the URL of the blog post.


17. Include keywords in post body

Following, AdEspresso made sure to include their keyword in the consistence copy of the blog post itself.

Let in your keyword ofttimes, but naturally. Don't stuff your keyword into the post past putt it in places where it doesn't relieve oneself sense… but if it makes sense to arrange a keyword there, do it.

For example, one of their keywords was "facebook suggested post". Now, they could take over written, "When putt together a suggested post connected Facebook you should…" however, that doesn't admit the exact keyword. So instead, they adjusted their body replicate to read, "A Facebook suggested post should include…".

This way, you are intentionally including your keyword, but in a natural fashio.

18. Bewilder to a bill docket

As research shows, the more oft you post, the better your customer acquisition will be.

However, as a small startup, AdEspresso decided on a twice-per-workweek publishing schedule. This was the maximum amount that they could handle, but the main thing is that they were consistent: all Tuesday and Thursday they published a new post.

Key takeaway: strategically programme out every piece of content with search engines in mind, and publish systematically.

Case Study #6: How Savvy Panda Accumulated Website Dealings 2200% in 1 Year

This next display case study proves that you should be continuously encyclopedism if you want to see bigger results…

19. Invest in your education

When Luke Summerfield was hired to serve develop Dig Panda's happy marketing strategy, the very number one affair he did was to invest in his education.

He got Hubspot VAR Incoming Marketing certifiable, Google AdWords and Google Analytics secure, Hootsuite certified, and completed about 3-4 early marketing-attendant educational programs.

With this new wealth of knowledge and strategic mindset, he set out to increase their website dealings.

20. Create a blog + superior content

Their traffic generation strategy started with their web log. This tried to be the key to their web site's and overall business' growth that class.

In addition to their blog, they wanted to provide some groovy resources for their site visitors. And then, they created a premium download section: a simple page filled with different take magnets. The lead magnets included learning ebooks, webinars, checklists, and segregated papers.

This premium message not only provided visitors with irresistible incentives to join their e-mail list, but IT likewise added a lot of value to their website.

21. Follow SEO outflank practices

Eastern Samoa they were rolling out their web log and premium content, Luke made sure that they were also following SEO best practices.

They optimized their blog posts, started building quality links, and guest posted connected other well-known diligence websites.

Recommended resource: to make sure you are optimizing your blog posts properly, check over out our connected-pageboy SEO checklist.

22. Be more active in communities

Finally, the Savvy Panda team became more active in their communities (Joomla and Inbound Marketing).

They joined Joomla working groups, wrote for Joomla community magazine publisher, organized Joomla user groups, and got connected the Joomla marketing team. They also started actively participating in HubSpot webinars and round-tables, and started an Inbound Selling user group for locals. They even cared-for in-someone events, either as a speaker or an attendee.

Participating in these events and communities allowed them to network and push their website, as well atomic number 3 continuing to grow their cognition with further Education Department.

The result? Well, here's a snapshot of their traffic before and afterwards implementing the new satisfied marketing strategy…


As you can visualise, they received rattling few visits before. In point of fact, most of their visits were from direct dealings (i.e. the people who already knew about them). However, the next twelvemonth is a different story… they went from 27.05% search traffic to 69.86% search traffic!

Simply did that traffic convert into leads? Yes, information technology did!

Before the new strategy, they were acquiring about 20 new sales moderated leads per month. One year ulterior, they were bringing in 100 new gross sales qualified leads per month (which was much their gross revenue staff could keep up with)!


Key takeaway: take the time to study digital merchandising if you really want to succeed. We possess a free beginner's guide here (no optin necessary), which is basically an entire mini-course happening how to generate leads and gross sales online.

Case Subject #7: How Tresnic Media Increased Web site Traffic 1,064% with 50 Posts in 25 Days

In that last case study, we'll look at how you can substantially grow your web log traffic simply aside being prolific.

(Don't worry– you don't experience to be prolific all the time, because this is a traffic boost that will actually last.)


23. Blog aggressively

Tresnic Media began a blogging experiment with one lyrate inquiry…

How long does your job penury to be blogging before you leave set forth to discove an ROI?

They were rattling curious to know. Rumor had it that 50 blog posts were the magic number. Then, they decided to put that number to the test.

Now, they could have decided to write cardinal web log Emily Price Post per hebdomad for a yr, or once per day for two months. However, they distinct to get battleful: they would publish 50 blog posts in just 25 days.

That's 2 new articles per day, every day, for 5 straight weeks.

It sounds a act intense, doesn't IT? Only there are advantages to "endurance contest blogging" corresponding this, even for a qualified period of time…

Because they were publication so ofttimes during the 5 weeks, Google was crawling the site at a Sir Thomas More patronise rate. This meant that new blog posts were ranking a good deal faster.

But the best part? Their explore engine dealings from long-rump keywords continued to grow, steady after the aggressive blogging period had ended!

(Note: this was purely referable on-Thomas Nelson Page SEO– they did non try to build backlinks or Doctor of Osteopathy anything other than the unsheathed minimum optimization, because they were then focused connected cranking out the content.)

24. Create discussions

Of course, Tresnic Media knew that simply writing the content wasn't releas to cut the mustard. They would have to also promote that cognitive content if it was going to cost successful.

Thus, once an article went be on the site, they would portion out it via Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. They also preserved it to Delightful and StumbleUpon. And contingent on the topic of the post, IT would likewise be shared in different, relevant LinkedIn Groups, with a teaser verbal description and a wonder to the audience just about their own experience.

Immediately, they saw an increase in traffic payable to social share-out. The key Here is that they created discussions in the right online communities. The more comments some a picky give-and-take, the more eyeballs got on the content, which drove more dealings, creating more comments, and then on.

It was a mini infective agent impression.

25. Write a infective agent post

Now that their traffic had grown significantly (at the cease of the 5 week period), Tresnic Media was at a 438% traffic increase. Their web log was poised for it's first real spike.

And guess when it came? On the "illusion come" web log post #50!

But, believe me, this was no fortuity…

For their 50th and last blog post during the aggressive blogging period, they wrote a wrap-up article going over all the details of this particular case study.

People loved the case study, and so the article gained popularity very quickly, and the infective agent effect took off. Along LinkedIn alone, there were over 100 combined comments in 3 or 4 different discussions surrounding the clause.

(Remember: they set this case study upfield for succeeder before they even wrote it by fostering discussions within these communities during the entire 5 calendar week period.)

Once this "trick" blog post started going viral, it also started building Sir Thomas More backlinks because people were talking about information technology on their own blogs. About a month later, their traffic had enhanced from 438% to 1,064%!

Key takeout: blogging frequence can create momentum in the search results and within social communities, priming the pump for viral success.


That's it! We've covered 7 case studies and 25 tried web log traffic strategies.

If there is just one thing I hope you take aside from this full clause, it's this:

Create the best content for the user first (with search engines in mind), and you'll consume traffic. Wrick that traffic into leads and customers, and you'll have revenue.

Now it's up to you. First, keep an eye on the 5 steps from Grammatical case Study #1 to lay the foundation for gobs of traffic. Then, postdate the unexpended tips to really run with IT. If you're fascinated in more stats, check up on our ultimate list of blogging statistics!

Recommended Resourcefulness: Follow sure to run down our Ultimate Usher to Maturation Hacking for more strategies, examples, and tools you can use to skyrocket your stage business.

Mary Fernandez

Mary Fernandez is a professional blogger. When she's non at her desk, you can usually encounte Mary exploring sunny San Diego, CA with her laptop computer, husband, and three kids in tow.

How To Drive Traffic To Blog


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